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Web Project Development

How many times have you undertaken a web project to find yourself disappointed in your choice of partners?

We all appreciate that there are many skillsets required to implement an effective web project. Graphic designers, marketers, SEO specialists, and social media specialists all provide the hard edged current day art and science to make your web site effective, but how do you maintain a management framework that allows you to understand the stages that you are going through and enables you to keep track of the progress?

We have many years of relevant experience in the under the covers areas of this sector and are used to dealing with the creative resources that are necessary to produce the desired outcome, but we can make the whole process explicit and measured to enable us all to obtain the outcome we desire.

  • Full Requirements Analysis and Functional Spec
  • A web project implemented as an IT project
  • Website design and Implementation
  • Portal Implementation
  • PIM Implementation
  • P&A data Feed implementations