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End to End Business Consultancy

SAPE offers consultancy services at a corporate enterprise level, but scaled to the size of your business. All of our consultants have significant experience in their areas of specialisation, in both large and small organisations, and are therefor equipped to offer consultancy and advice in any size of organisation.

With expertise in the following areas:

  • General Business Consultancy
  •  Business Process Design
  •  Systems Analysis and Design
  • Data Strategy and Governance
  • Master Data Management and classification
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Product Design
  • Product Marketing
  • Product Management and Strategy
  • IT Strategy
  • ERP Implementation
  • Security Product Design
  • Crypto development
  • Control Systems Design and Implementation
  • Electronic design and implementation
  • Software Development
  • Firmware development
  • Workflow Systems Design and Implementation
  • Supply Chain IT systems
  • Accreditation and Compliance Stewardship/curation
  • UKCA Accreditation Consultancy, Testing and Submission
  • ISO 9001 Implementation with a twist.
  • Web Project Development and Management

Let us build you an experienced teams that can be dropped in for any length of term, depending on the requirements of the organisation, and effect rapid and pragmatic change.

Depending upon the type of engagement, we could provide a team that could migrate to your organisation on a full time employment basis, with the confidence gained that this is already a functioning team that has already demonstrated it’s abilities to deliver against project targets.

Alternatively, we can provide a departmental function to answer a short term issue, such as a finance department overhaul, a product development, a solution roll out, or the development of a Corporate or IT strategy.